I'm excited to share with you all how much I made from YouTube with three channels and over 4 million subscribers in 2020. 🎬 Your Complete Guide to a Successful YouTube Channel (use promo code MARINA to get $100 off): https://bit.ly/3cJntCF Shop my jacket: Use code Marina15 to get 15% off for ordering $600+ (full price items), https://mutebyjl.co/discount/Marina15?redirect=%2Fcollections%2Ffull-price-collectionUse code Marina10 to get 10% off for ordering $300+(full price items), https://mutebyjl.co/discount/Marina10?redirect=%2Fcollections%2Ffull-price-collection These two discount codes can be used by the end of March 2021. Mute by JL also offers free US domestic shipping for ordering $50+; free international shipping for ordering $400+. Time codes: 0:00 I have three channels 0:49 Why I started a YouTube channel in the first place 2:19 I started my second channel in 2016 2:29 Why on earth did I start a third channel? 3:35 How you can make money on YouTube 4:50 How long does it take to start monetizing your channel? 6:34 Let's look into my stats on the Marina Mogilko channel 9:22 Let's look into my stats on the LinguaMarina channel 11:48 Let's look into my stats on the Silicon Valley Girl channel 13:22 How much did I make from Google AdSense in total in 2020? I post daily stories about my life and business routine on my Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/linguamarina/ ⭐ ENROLL IN MY YOUTUBE COURSE - https://bit.ly/3cJntCF 💰 INVESTMENT APPS & BOOKS: - Savings Calculator - https://www.saving.org/regular-savings/10/day - Get $50 when you join Personal Capital - https://share.personalcapital.com/x/KeuRpn - Get two FREE stocks on Webull - https://a.webull.com/i/SiliconValleyGirl - Claim your FREE stock on Robinhood - https://join.robinhood.com/marinam241 - Listen to Tony Robbin's audiobook "MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom" - https://geni.us/QSXr - Interactive Brokers https://ibkr.com/referral/marina592 I use affiliate links whenever possible (if you purchase items listed above using my affiliate links, I will get a bonus) #YouTube #YouTubeIncome #MoneyonYouTube #siliconvalleygirl #marinamogilko